A name check is based on an individual’s name and personal identifiers such as sex, race, date of birth and Social Security number. In general, name checks are much less reliable than fingerprints. Are “name checks” as reliable as fingerprints in criminal history checks? Conversely, as compared to FBI fingerprint searches, “name checks” result in appreciable numbers of both false positives and false negatives. Modern automated fingerprint identification systems can produce identification error rates of less than one percent. Conversely, non-fingerprint background checks, or “name checks,” are not nearly as comprehensive and run the applicants background against a limited amount of predetermined records that are commercially available. Fingerprinting FAQs What is the difference between a fingerprint-based background check and a non-fingerprint background check?įingerprint-based background checks run job applicants through both FBI and state criminal databases to create a complete criminal profile of the job applicant.